update-service - Cloud Foundry CLI Reference Guide


update-service - Mettre à jour une instance de service


cf update-service SERVICE_INSTANCE [-p NEW_PLAN] [-c PARAMETERS_AS_JSON] [-t TAGS] [--upgrade] Optionally provide service-specific configuration parameters in a valid JSON object in-line: cf update-service SERVICE_INSTANCE -c '{"name":"value","name":"value"}' Optionally provide a file containing service-specific configuration parameters in a valid JSON object. The path to the parameters file can be an absolute or relative path to a file: cf update-service SERVICE_INSTANCE -c PATH_TO_FILE Example of valid JSON object: { "cluster_nodes": { "count": 5, "memory_mb": 1024 } } Optionally provide a list of comma-delimited tags that will be written to the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable for any bound applications.


cf update-service mydb -p gold cf update-service mydb -c '{"ram_gb":4}' cf update-service mydb -c ~/workspace/tmp/instance_config.json cf update-service mydb -t "list, of, tags" cf update-service mydb --upgrade cf update-service mydb --upgrade --force



Objet JSON valide contenant des paramètres de configuration propres au service, fourni en ligne ou dans un fichier. Pour la liste des paramètres de configuration pris en charge, voir la documentation de l'offre de services particulière.


Changer le plan de service pour une instance de service


Etiquettes fournies par l'utilisateur

--upgrade, -u

Upgrade the service instance to the latest version of the service plan available. It cannot be combined with flags: -c, -p, -t.

--force, -f

Force the upgrade to the latest available version of the service plan. It can only be used with: -u, --upgrade.


rename-service, services, update-user-provided-service