push - Cloud Foundry CLI Reference Guide |
cf push APP_NAME [-b BUILDPACK_NAME] [-c COMMAND] [-f MANIFEST_PATH | --no-manifest] [--no-start] [--no-wait] [-i NUM_INSTANCES] [-k DISK] [-m MEMORY] [-p PATH] [-s STACK] [-t HEALTH_TIMEOUT] [--task TASK] [-u (process | port | http)] [--no-route | --random-route]
[--var KEY=VALUE] [--vars-file VARS_FILE_PATH]...
cf push APP_NAME --docker-image [REGISTRY_HOST:PORT/]IMAGE[:TAG] [--docker-username USERNAME] [-c COMMAND] [-f MANIFEST_PATH | --no-manifest] [--no-start] [--no-wait] [-i NUM_INSTANCES] [-k DISK] [-m MEMORY] [-p PATH] [-s STACK] [-t HEALTH_TIMEOUT] [--task TASK] [-u (process | port | http)] [--no-route | --random-route ]
[--var KEY=VALUE] [--vars-file VARS_FILE_PATH]...
依名稱的自訂建置套件(例如 my-buildpack)、Git URL(例如 https://github.com/cloudfoundry/java-buildpack.git),或含分支或標籤的 Git URL(例如 https://github.com/cloudfoundry/java-buildpack.git#v3.3.0 表示 v3.3.0 標籤)。若只要使用內建建置套件,請指定 default 或 null
磁碟限制(例如 256M、1024M、1G)
要使用的 Docker 映像檔(例如 user/docker-image-name)
儲存庫使用者名稱;與環境變數 CF_DOCKER_PASSWORD 中的密碼搭配使用
含有預先編譯打包之應用程式的 tgz 檔路徑
Valid path on the app for an HTTP health check. Only used when specifying --health-check-type=http
Application health check type. Defaults to port. http requires a valid endpoint, for example, /health.
記憶體限制(例如 256M、1024M、1G)
Exit when the first instance of the web process is healthy
應用程式目錄的路徑,或應用程式目錄內容之 zip 檔案的路徑
Create a random route for this app (except when no-route is specified in the manifest)
Startup 指令,設定為空值,以重設為預設 start 指令
Deployment strategy, either rolling or null.
Push an app that is used only to execute tasks. The app will be staged, but not started and will have no route assigned.
用於變數替代的變數鍵值組(例如 name=app1);可以指定多次