cf - 用于与 Cloud Foundry 进行交互的命令行工具
cf [global options] command [arguments...] [command options]
Create an Application in the target space
Cancel the most recent deployment for an app. Resets the current droplet to the previous deployment's droplet.
Stop all instances of the app, then start them again.
Stage a package into a droplet
Stage the app's latest package into a droplet and restart the app with this new droplet and updated configuration (environment variables, service bindings, buildpack, stack, etc.).
Download an application droplet
Copies the source code of an application to another existing application and restages that application
Apply manifest properties to a space
Create a private domain for a specific org
Create a route for later use
Perform a check to determine whether a route currently exists or not
Remove a route from an app
Delete all orphaned routes in the currently targeted space (i.e. those that are not mapped to an app or service instance)
List available organization quotas
Assign a quota to an organization
Define a new quota for an organization
Delete an organization quota
Update an existing organization quota
Share a private domain with a specific org
Unshare a private domain with a specific org
List available space quotas
Define a new quota for a space
Assign a quota to a space
Recursively remove a service offering and child objects from Cloud Foundry database without making requests to a service broker
以递归方式从 Cloud Foundry 数据库中除去某个服务实例和子对象,而不对服务代理程序发起请求
Enable access to a service offering or service plan for one or all orgs
Disable access to a service offering or service plan for one or all orgs
Bind a security group to the list of security groups to be used for staging applications globally
List security groups globally configured for staging applications
Unbind a security group from the set of security groups for staging applications globally
List security groups globally configured for running applications
Unbind a security group from the set of security groups for running applications globally
将参数作为 JSON 传递,以创建编译打包环境变量组
List all labels (key-value pairs) for an API resource
Set a label (key-value pairs) for an API resource
Unset a label (key-value pairs) for an API resource
Display the OAuth token for the current session and refresh the token if necessary
将 API 请求诊断打印到 stdout
将 API 请求诊断附加到日志文件
对 HTTP 请求启用代理
Show details for a specific app revision
Rollback to the specified revision of an app